So I took those back and finally got a set that worked. So I took those back and a different guy cut me a new set with the correct blanks, but they wouldn’t work either. The blanks the guy used were the right shape, but had the mirror image cross-section of the blanks he was actually supposed to use. The first time was when I had copies of the mailbox key made. I quit having keys duplicated at Ace after the fourth time I had to take keys back that didn’t work. That key became my hidden-outside-just-in-case key and served me well several times. Turned out she did such a bad job on it that the top half of the shaft went untouched by the cutter! But I found that it worked just fine if you took the time to get it aligned properly in the lock. The teenaged girl who made it slipped the copy into a tiny envelope and I didn’t think to look at it until I got home.

When I made a copy of the key that went to the original lock of that door, I went to Fred Meyer. Just that little bit of thickness made the key line up with tumblers just right and I had no trouble thereafter. Out of desperation, I cut two small pieces of duct tape and stuck them together, cut a slit big enough to slip over the shaft of the key, slid it on and stuck it to the head.
#Does every home depot have key duplication service professional
Then I went to a professional locksmith with the same results. The keys always looked right but just wouldn’t work in the lock. The folks there were always courteous and eager to help but to no avail. We each got a single new key and it was up to us to get copies made, if we so desired. At my last place of residence, all the units in our building had to have the locks changed after the master key was stolen from our landlady.